Risk Management

Our Team at Carlton Insurance is fully trained and versed in both Traditional and Enterprise Risk Management.  Enterprise Risk Management encompasses both the chance of loss as well as the chance of gain.  While the chance of loss is the focus of Traditional Risk Management, Enterprise Risk Management works with your business to enhance the chance of gain (profit) through controlling the Total Costs of Risk, Compliance issues, non-insurance methods of Risk Transfer, and identifying the proper levels of Retention and/or Deductibles in the Risk Management/Insurance program. 

An important part of Risk Management is establishing Disaster Recovery programs and Crises Management programs.  After a severe loss such as a major fire or hurricane, Disaster Recovery is critical to survival of the organization.  Our Risk Management staff can help put a Disaster Recovery plan in place and help keep it updated and current.  The same is true with any type Crises, such as a Cyber-attack on the organization or a Product failure.  With proper planning these type events can be minimized and our Risk Managers are here to help design these plans.

Commercial Property

At Carlton Insurance we use the Risk Management approach when writing insurance for your business, organization, church or any other type commercial entity. The first step in our Commercial Lines unit is to help you identify exposures to financial loss, classify that exposure as un-important, important or critical. Once exposure to financial loss is identified and classified, we can then recommend a coverage program that fits your specific needs. We view our job not as selling insurance, but putting an insurance/risk management program in place so you are properly protected and there are no surprises should a financial loss occur.


Our Commercial Portfolio of products includes:

  • Workers Compensation
  • Commercial General Liability
  • Commercial Auto
  • Commercial Property
  • Inland Marine
  • Ocean Marine
  • Cargo
  • Professional Liability
  • Aircraft
  • All Construction Classifications
  • Garage Liability/Garage Keepers


Workers Compensation is a form of Business Insurance. Since Workers Compensation is a required coverage in all but one state, typically costs about half of the entire business insurance premium, and has many elements of coverage and costs, Carlton Insurance has designed specific programs to help return injured workers back to work as soon as possible, control cost through aggressive claims management and monitoring the mandatory experience modification.

Carlton Insurance has experience in small deductible, large deductible and or retention Workers Compensation programs, excess Workers Compensation and using Captive Insurance to cover the Workers Compensation exposure.


302 W Main Street | PO Box 500
Beulaville, NC 28518
( P ) 910-298-4888  ( F ) 910-293-4819


212 N Pine Street | PO Box 625
Warsaw, NC 28398
( P ) 910-293-7881  ( F ) 910-293-4819